Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TODAY'S WORD with Joel & Victoria Osteen: His Mercy is Greater

Today's Scripture:For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.Psalm 100:5, NKJV.

Today's Word:

When you make a mistake, unfortunately, the critics and naysayers come out of the woodwork. People will tell you, “You’re all washed up. It’s too late.” If you wear that label, it will keep you from the amazing future God has in store. God says, “My mercy is bigger than any mistake.” God says, “I can still get you to your destiny.” God says, “I will give you beauty for those ashes. I’ll pay you back double for the unfair things that have happened.” You wouldn’t be alive unless God had another victory in your future. Why don’t you take off the “washed up” label? Take off the “failure,” “guilty,” “condemned” labels and put on some new labels: redeemed, restored, forgiven, bright future, new beginning.

Always remember, you have been made in the image of Almighty God. God did not make any mistakes. You are the perfect size. You have the right personality, the right gifts, the right looks, the right skin color. You are not an accident. God designed you precisely for the race that is laid out for you. You are fully equipped for this life, and His mercy is greater than any mistake you could make. Embrace the truth and the victory He has in store for your future!

Prayer for Today:

Father, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for equipping me for everything I need in this life. I choose to renounce old labels and forgive those who have hurt me. I set my eyes on You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Copyright © 2013 by Joel Osteen. All rights reserved.  Used by permission.  International copyright secured

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