Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TODAY'S WORD with Joel & Victoria Osteen: Passing the Small Tests

Today's Scripture:
If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
James 4:17, NIV.

Today's Word:

Many people expect the voice of God to boom like a loudspeaker, but scripture tells us that He speaks in a still, small voice. To us, it seems like an impression inside.
We think, “I know I should go visit my parents. I know I shouldn’t eat so many sweets. I know I should stay home and do my schoolwork.” The “I knows” are God talking to you. Don’t ignore it. Learn to be quick to obey.
A lot of times we know what we should do, but we make excuses and reason it out. “I’ll do it later. I’m busy now.” But, we have to understand God doesn’t ask us to do it for His sake. He asks us to do it for our own sake. I’ve learned that before God will release big blessings, He will give you small tests. Too often we dismiss it and think, “Oh, that’s no big deal.” But if you don’t pass these small tests, it will keep you from the big things God has in store.
Today, don’t put off the little things that you know you should be doing any longer. Take a step of faith and obey Him. As you’re faithful in the little things and pass the small tests, He’ll lead you into the greater things He has in store for you.

Prayer for Today:

Father, thank You for speaking to my heart. Thank You for leading me in the path of blessing. I choose to obey You in the small things. I desire to pass the small tests so You can trust me with the greater things You have prepared in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Copyright © 2013 by Joel Osteen. All rights reserved.  Used by permission.  International copyright secured

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